Knowles Teacher Initiative has inspired me to be a better teacher. They have supported my continued contact with a mentor and equipped me with curriculum and activities that have made my teaching measurably more effective.”
Anne’s Story
Anne Watson’s love for science was sparked at a young age, when she was part of a middle school afterschool program called the Sons and Daughters of Galileo in her hometown of Essex, Vermont. She went on to major in physics and minor in mathematics at Pennsylvania State University. After multiple summer internships in industry and at Penn State, she decided to pursue a masters in education from the University of Vermont. She started teaching high school physics and other science and math classes at Montpelier High School in the fall of 2004.
In the spring of 2018, Anne was elected Mayor of the City of Montpelier, Vermont, after she had served as a City Councilor for multiple years. In the fall of 2022, Anne was elected to the Vermont State Senate, representing the Washington District. She served on the Senate Government Operations Committee and was the Vice Chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee. She continues to teach high school science and math in the fall semester and then transitions to her senatorial work in the spring.