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Mary Lee McJimsey

[…]she realized that music brought more pleasure as a pastime. β€œI chose to focus on my passion for physics.” Her research experience included fieldwork in Australia and conducting physics experiments at the Cal Poly pier. β€œThis is what led me to the teaching credential program; the more I learned, the more I knew I should be a physics teacher.” She enjoys spending free time with her husband, riding bikes or watching movies. β€œEvery once in a while I get time to practice my […]

Patricia Shiebler

[…]a competitive swimmer for over 10 years and continues to swim in her free time. She also enjoys cooking, baking, and spending time at the beach. Academic Background Hamilton College (Bachelor of Arts in Physics) Brown University (Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education: […]

Christian Royer

[…]and learn about various phenomena through hands-on learning. Professional Experience Before becoming a teacher, Christian was a Manufacturing Engineer, working in Data Center Manufacturing for Twitter, and was a Management Engineer at Rady Children’s Hospital. He also worked as a Room Advisor and Tutor at RealityChangers. Christian did his student teaching in Physics and SDAIE Physics at W.C. Overfelt during the 2021-2022 school year. Since then he has been teaching Honors Physics, College Prep Physics, and Work Education Experience at Fremont High School. Christian will start his third year of teaching at Fremont High School in Sunnyvale, CA in the […]

Teaching Climate Science and Resilience with Computer Simulations

[…]refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity” (β€œHS-LS2-7 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics,” n.d.). Simulations are a powerful way to allow students to explore and use data from complex, dynamic systems in a more targeted and simpler framework. To help students accomplish the goal of this and other NGSS standards, I built two computer models that allow students to adjust initial conditions and run simulations based on those conditions, giving them opportunities to experiment and explore these complex systems in a manageable way. Both models run online in web browsers and are […]

Judith Escamilla

[…]TA, and I really enjoyed understanding Chemistry on a deeper level. Professional Experience Before becoming a teacher, Judith volunteered abroad in Guatemala in an elementary school. During this trip she was in charge of the second grade class, teaching the children English. Her group also assisted with some renovations around the school and painted murals around the recess area. This trip is what helped Judith decide she wanted to become a teacher. Judith has worked as an elementary school tutor for reading and math, as well as one year student teaching Chemistry and three years as a teaching assistant for […]

Cathryn Tuttle

[…]two new elective courses, zoology and botany! Cathryn will start her third year at East Hartford High School, East Hartford Connecticut in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In her free time, Cathryn loves to Salsa dance. She has found it very rewarding, and hopes to make time to learn more types of dance next year. Academic Background University of Connecticut (Bachelor of Science in Biology Education and Bachelor of Art in Biology Science, Human Development and Family Studies Minor) University of Connecticut (Master of Arts in Curriculum and […]

Bradley Smith

[…]stop-and-frisk policy using mathematics. Also, Bradley tutored student-athletes in calculus for two years through Northwestern University Athletics. Bradley will begin his teaching career at Grosse Pointe North High School during the 2019–2020 school year. Hobbies Bradley loves theatre and spends his free time watching YouTube videos of Broadway and Off-Broadway musicals. Academic Background Northwestern University (Master of Science in Education and Social Policy) Northwestern University (Bachelor of Arts in […]

Vulnerability in Teacher Collaboration and Leadership

[…]are consumed by the moment, taking everything personally. Taking in feedback about ourselves is uncomfortable, and it can give way to endless thoughts of self-doubt and obsession. On the other side of the tightrope is the complete oppositeβ€”building a wall around ourselves and telling the story that we don’t care what others think. If you build the persona of not caring what others think, then you protect yourself from any kind of critique or possible shame. If we are going to walk this tightrope of vulnerability, we must toe the line between caring too much and caring too little about […]

Linda Liao

[…]Red Schoolhouse & Elisabeth Irwin High School (LREI). She also works as the faculty advisor for LREI’s community service organization, Engage for Change. She supports the students as they plan service events. Linda will start her third year teaching Physics and Chemistry at LREI in New York City in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In her free time, Linda loves getting a matcha latte and going for long walks in Central Park. She is also currently training for a half marathon. Academic Background New York University (Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry, Minor in Child and Adolescent Mental Health) Teachers College, […]

Sam Heupel

[…]High School in Mendota Heights, Minnesota, during the 2023–2024 school year.Β  Hobbies In his free time, Sam enjoys staying active by playing soccer, frisbee golf, hiking and running, camping, swimming, and coaching high school soccer. Academic BackgroundΒ  St. Olaf College (Bachelor of Arts in […]
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