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Consider These Potential Prompts

[…]teaching, I thought about my high school student self. It wasnโ€™t about all the times I had felt comfortable taking up space as a student, it was about all the times that I had become small in fear that adults wouldnโ€™t listen to me or believe me. I never want my students to feel small the way I had felt all those years ago. So even in the depths of pandemic teaching survival, even when I was lost as a first-year teacher, I always took the time to listen to my students. I always took them seriously and listened so […]

Different Ways Of Knowing: In Support Of A Broadened Life Science Classroom

[…]of ecology, and so many tools for inspecting the world around us. I am still growing into my own comfort with these ideas. I am a White, English-speaking, cis female science teacher, born and raised in Detroit and its suburbs. Like many science teachers and scientists, Iโ€™ve long found comfort in data tables, well-labeled graphs, and transparent p-values. I endorse clear and replicable results and large sample sizes. For many years, I declared anthropomorphizing problematic, and felt a very real, internal shudder at any ideas that invoked mysticism, magic, or souls. While Iโ€™ll write here about my own shifts, in […]

Call and Response: Small Changes, Positive Impact

[…]questions, I found out that the student was kicked out because they were out of their seat working inside a bookcase (not sure how that works). I let the student know that, honestly, sometimes it’s hard to tell if they’re doing work when they change their seat so often. The student assured me that they are doing work, they just hate sitting. I offered a deal to the student, I’ll give them a nice stool to work on for class, if they can show me that it’ll help them focus in class. Ever since that small change, the student has […]

Redefining Excellence

[…]excellence that is able to celebrate all of our students’ achievements and emphasize the uncomfortable process of learning. By creating authentic learning opportunities, students can place importance on how they learn a new skill or new information, and be assessed on their growing competency in that skill. This supports a system that celebrates the work that they are putting in every day as well as setting them up for future success as learners.   Dan Kizaur teaches physics, electronics, and engineering at Mahtomedi High School in Mahtomedi, Minnesota. He is also the lead mentor for Mahtomediโ€™s FIRSTโ„ข Robotics team and […]

Poetry Corner

[…]nose and doing the good work, you all deserve medals (the โ€œmedalsโ€, letโ€™s note, are rarely forthcoming.) Donโ€™t get me wrong; weโ€™ll take more pay, more windows, more gardens, more time. But there is laughter, and music, and creativity, and hope in this work. There is nothing-matters-more in this work and there are moments of pure and delightful absurdity in this work. There is reckoning with pain and ugliness as a community, there is dancing, there is surprise and wonder and revelation. There is exploring plants and bugs with all five of our sensesโ€” yes, all five, yes, bugs too. […]

When to Share the Bread

[…]out of this, with policies and procedures that aim to motivate students, rather than punish them for apparent laziness.ย  Listen to โ€œWhen to Share the Bread.”     Download Transcript     Jamie Melton, a Knowles Senior Fellow, taught primarily biology during her six-year career, along with human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, Earth science, geology, and seventh-grade science. She believes telling stories, our own and others’, is one of the most important things we can do. Currently, Jamie lives in Ogden, Utah, and is taking some time off to stay home with her children. Reach Jamie at […]

Poetry Corner

[…]start to her rejoinder โ€œSo back to the Truth And Love thingโ€ we had Been discussing the Question โ€œWhat is loveโ€ And we could not agree If love was closer To Truth or Untruth Like when Proustโ€™s Jealous Lover thinks Albertine is cheating or When one student talks About how her sister Says she loves her Abusive boyfriend Even went back to him She said how can we Know what itโ€™s like From the outside (I hear this and think About how no one would Understand Lol Stein If she explained herself) And then someone else Says sometimes even on […]
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