Shira Helft

It is humbling, exciting and daunting to know that in teaching you can always be better, and that professional growth is in line with personal growth.”

Shira’s Story

Shira Helft was five when she first fell in love with math and began to “appreciate the elegant way math builds on itself.” Most of her classmates; however, ran in fear of math.

This led to her infatuation with math and math learning; she is fascinated by the ways people think through ideas and how this affects their identity and power in society. Shira has been fortunate enough to learn as a teacher, coach, curriculum lead, and professional development coordinator at schools in the Bay Area. She now develops curriculum with Amplify Desmos Math, with the mission for all students to love math and love learning math. In her spare time, Shira grows her brain with cryptic crosswords, puzzle hunts, and chasing the best dumplings in New York City. Reach Shira on Twitter @MsHelft or by email at