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A Novel Co-Teaching Model to Support Student and Teacher Growth

[…]answers to the class. We would email or speak directly with these students to see if they felt comfortable presenting their answers and address any questions they had about the free response question before they presented. As an incentive, students were given a small amount of extra credit for presenting their responses. During the presentations, each student in the class was assigned to ask a question about a particular part of one free response problem. We chose which students would ask questions about which parts of the test by examining their responses and selecting the problem based on where we […]

Finding the Pulse of Nature through Guided Inquiry in Nature-Based Citizen Science

[…]be more powerful if students could integrate the key NGSS science inquiry practices, such as: asking questions and defining problems; analyzing and interpreting data; and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. Through these considerations, I developed a lesson that can be modified to meet both middle- and high-school NGSS standards (see Table 1). Finally, I saw an opportunity to connect this experience to our real-world understanding of climate change. Phenology, the study of repeating yearly events observed in living things, is an excellent context for teaching climate change. This is due to the students’ ability to observe and make data contributions, […]

Being Open to Surprise: Confronting Assumptions Through a Puzzling Moment

[…]hand was always raised high above her head. “Ms. Markiewicz, can you explain that again?”; “Ms. Markiewicz, did you know…”; “Ms. Markiewicz, have you heard the pun about…”; “Ms. Markiewicz, I don’t understand…”; “Ms. Markiewicz, wait till you hear what Tim said about…”; “Ms. Markiewicz, I wonder why…”. Elizabeth was a dominant voice in class, seemingly incessantly asking about a topic her classmates had just discussed and summarized. Every whole class conversation—opener question, brainstorming session, summarizing discussion, etc.—I knew I would see her hand raised high in the air. Elizabeth had something to ask or say, frequently whittling away at 5 […]

Do I Belong Here?: The Struggles of our First Generation Students

[…]Angeles. Our population is 85% Latino and 15% African American, with 77% of our students eligible for free and reduced lunch. I provided my senior students with a survey about their families’ and friends’ reactions to their plans for after high school. Almost every student reported that their family and friends were both excited and supportive with the exception of one student whose parents were disappointed that he had chosen community college over the California State Universities he had been accepted to. The most interesting responses were to the question: “What (if any) were some of the concerns that you considered […]

Raise Your Hand: Changing Students’ Lives

[…]Kaleidoscope, Raise Your Hand, features short responses to a writing prompt. Do you have an idea for a storytelling prompt? Contact us at Download […]

Maria McGee

[…]her free time, Maria enjoys spending time volunteering in the nursery at her local church, hiking, traveling, and exploring new places.  Academic Background  Columbia University (Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering) Columbia University (Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering) University of Maryland, College Park (Master of Education in Curriculum and […]

Raise Your Hand: Student Advocacy in Uncertain Times

[…]Fellow   A large fraction of my students are immigrants and many are undocumented. Each new piece of news sends small shock waves through our student population, and I feel unprepared to help them cope as I’m not even sure how to cope with it myself. Many students try to make jokes about it, but behind the jokes are real fears about what will happen to their peers, their families, and themselves. Other students have lost motivation; they ask, “Why should I take AP Chemistry next year when I’m just going to be deported?” I’m still trying to find my […]

Letter to the Editors: Teaching with Technology

[…]in her classroom—beginning with a question to test her assumptions, and collecting data through student surveys to help develop her thinking further. Again, this process is one from which our district technology team stands to learn. Finally, Beverly’s conclusion that when it comes to using technology, teachers should begin with asking how student learning will be affected is so basic a dimension, yet one we strangely seem to lose track of in these discussions. I appreciate Beverly’s humility to remind her readers that it’s okay to take a step back when things don’t work out the way we assumed or […]

Alaina Solomon

[…]being able to design real-world applicable learning experiences and chemistry allows me to do that for my students!” Professional Experience During her undergraduate studies, Alaina worked as a teaching assistant for Organic Chemistry I and II courses for two years. In 2021, she spent a semester working on the Chemistry Curriculum Development Project, a research experience that sought to find effective teaching assistant programs for organic chemistry. Alaina was awarded the Breakthrough Collaborative Teaching Fellowship in 2020 and again in 2021. Through this experience, she served as the lead teacher for chemistry, French, environmental science, and nutrition courses, while also […]

Now on Teacher Voice: Compassion

[…]podcast, we hear from biology teacher Jamie Melton about the many small moments where she finds compassion for herself. To hear more about how we find compassion for ourselves and extend it to others, listen to the podcast below.   Download […]
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