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Linda Liao

[…]Red Schoolhouse & Elisabeth Irwin High School (LREI). She also works as the faculty advisor for LREI’s community service organization, Engage for Change. She supports the students as they plan service events. Linda will start her third year teaching Physics and Chemistry at LREI in New York City in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In her free time, Linda loves getting a matcha latte and going for long walks in Central Park. She is also currently training for a half marathon. Academic Background New York University (Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry, Minor in Child and Adolescent Mental Health) Teachers College, […]

Judith Escamilla

[…]TA, and I really enjoyed understanding Chemistry on a deeper level. Professional Experience Before becoming a teacher, Judith volunteered abroad in Guatemala in an elementary school. During this trip she was in charge of the second grade class, teaching the children English. Her group also assisted with some renovations around the school and painted murals around the recess area. This trip is what helped Judith decide she wanted to become a teacher. Judith has worked as an elementary school tutor for reading and math, as well as one year student teaching Chemistry and three years as a teaching assistant for […]

Hasan Elsayed

[…]time, Hasan likes to stay active playing team sports, hiking, and climbing. He also has a passion for traveling, taking a month-long trip to Iceland, Italy, Austria, Germany, and Spain in the summer of 2024. When not outside or traveling, he enjoys reading fantasy and philosophy books. Academic Background University of Colorado at Boulder (Bachelor of Arts in Physics, and a teaching […]

Lauren Dela Rosa

[…]finished up her first two years of teaching at this same school teaching geometry, quadratics, and Newcomer Math. Newcomer Math is a class for newly immigrated students that covers everything from how to say numbers in English and basic arithmetic to pre-algebra. Lauren will start her third year of teaching at Berkley High School, Berkeley, California in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In her free time, Lauren loves hanging out with her roommates and friends, and watching YouTube videos. Academic Background University of California (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, Science and Mathematics Education […]

Holden Anderson

[…]communities in Los Angeles. At BEAM, Holden taught a class about fractions and a class called β€œBig Questions, Big Answers” which was primarily about estimation, basic probability, and working with very large numbers. In the 2022-2023 school year, Holden taught at IES Valle del Cidacos, a secondary school in La Rioja, Spain, as an English Teaching Assistant on a Fulbright Grant. About half of the students at the school were enrolled in the bilingual program, where they take the majority of their courses in English. Holden was fortunate to be able to teach some of these bilingual classes, such as […]

Leah Alper

[…]would not have access to it. Leah provided both one-on-one English tutoring and weekly support for critical thinking discussions on current events. While getting her degrees in Chemistry and Sociology, Leah also became a Chemistry teaching assistant at Bowdoin. Following college, Leah worked with SOS Brooklyn to take a harm reduction approach to reducing shootings and killings in Central Brooklyn. While there, Leah worked with young people who were at high-risk of being involved in shootings, and helped to plan shooting responses and community events centered around anti-violence. At SOS Brooklyn, Leah realized that she wanted to continue working with […]

Janice Balogh

[…]and a Master of Arts in Mathematics from SUNY Albany. In her free time, Janice enjoys running, biking, and baking. She has also recently become a certified master […]

Erin Hommowun

[…]regarding co-teaching in Math classrooms. In 2023, she won Middleton High School’s first β€œTeacher of Excellence” award selected by NHS students. Erin has a Bachelor’s of Science in Mathematics Education from the University of Wisconsin Madison. In her free time, Erin loves traveling with her family. They are currently working on visiting all 50 states before her daughters graduate high school. She also enjoys volleyball, hockey, hiking, and […]


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