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Carly Brown

[…]evaluated the impact of prescribed fires on insects. Additionally, Carly taught in a variety of informal settings, including abroad, before she started teaching high school science in Vermont in 2014. Carly is particularly passionate about trying to teach climate change in a way that grounds students in the science behind climate change and encourages them to take action. At her core, Carly firmly believes that every one of her students can DO science. This belief drives her to create and refine tasks, and informs each of her classroom practices. Hobbies Carly is passionate about spending time outdoors and being active. […]


[…]science. In this role, they created a qPCR primer that could detect E. coli. Gray also worked as a community volunteer tutor for Schools of Hopeβ€”a unique collaboration of the Madison Metropolitan School District, United Way of Dane County, and local area non-profit agencies designed to increase the academic performance of students of color and those from low-income families. During the 2014–2015 academic year, they began teaching full time. Hobbies Gray enjoys reading, watching television, traveling, whitewater kayaking and hip hop dancing. Academic Background University of Wisconsin-Madison (Certification in Secondary Science) St. Norbert College (Bachelor of Science in […]

Kristin Berry

[…]Story Teaching Discipline Biology and Earth Science Why Science Science is a lens through which we observe and come to understand of the beautiful and wonderful world around us. I believe that all students deserve the opportunity to experience and understand their worlds. Professional Experience With a goal of teaching at the collegiate level in mind, Kristin started working as a Research Technician at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to gain more experience before enrolling in graduate studies. She worked in the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division of the center, conducting research on the immunological response to HSV-2 infection […]

Ginger (Xingjia) Tang

[…]of individuals over time.” Ginger’s Story Teaching Discipline Mathematics Why Mathematics β€œMathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms: it is about understanding.” – William Paul Thurston Professional Experience Ginger held a variety of positions with Stony Brook University, including Academic Peer Advisor, Proficiency Algebra and Mathematics Lecturer, Teaching Assistant and Math Tutor. Through these positions, she worked on developing the skills required to be an effective teacher, including teamwork, communication, problem-solving and leadership. Β  Volunteer Experience During her undergraduate studies, Ginger worked as a dance volunteer with International Youth Fellowship. She also worked as a winter cloth distributor […]

Emily Berman

[…]in 2017: National Science Teachers Association, National Association for Multicultural Education, Free Minds Free People, and National Council for the Social Studies. As she continues on in her career, Emily hopes to learn more about how to work with her students to confront and resist white supremacy in the current educational system. In addition to being a Knowles Fellow, Emily was a Teach Plus Rhode Island Teaching Policy Fellow in 2017.Β  Hobbies When she isn’t teaching, Emily enjoys traveling, rock climbing, running, reading and cooking. Academic Background Brown University (Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Science – Biology) Wesleyan University […]

Anthony Stetzenmeyer

[…]of 2014 he pursued his life-long dream of teaching by entering the Secondary Master of Arts with Certification program at the University of Michigan. Upon completion of the program, he accepted a full time chemistry teacher position at Belleville High School, in Belleville, Michigan. In addition to teaching, Anthony helps coach the Science Olympiad team at his school. Hobbies When Anthony is not teaching, he enjoys learning how to cook, reading interesting articles related to chemistry and education, and helping out at the University of Michigan’s School of Education to get the next generation of science teachers pumped and ready […]

Matt Sakow

[…]he was hired as a job coach for students with developmental disabilities. Hobbies Matt enjoys hiking, reading, and cooking. Academic Background University of Missouri (Master of Education in Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum: Mathematics Education) Messiah College (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with Teaching […]

Adam Quaal

[…]understanding. Following graduation, Adam taught Regents Prep Earth Science in the South Bronx through the Teach for America Summer Institute. After completion of the Institute, he taught Pre-AP Conceptual Physics in New Haven, Connecticut for one semester. He returned to southern California to fulfill his desire to positively impact his home community, where he taught college prep physics and AP Physics 1 as a long-term substitute before enrolling in graduate studies. Volunteer Experience For three years, Adam served as the Director of Education for CityLab at the University of California, Los Angeles, a student-run organization that brought the wonder and […]

Rebecca Guarino

[…]students often struggle with math and I enjoy the challenge of encouraging students to persist through difficult problems.” Professional Experience Rebecca worked at her childhood summer camp, Pocono Plateau, for six years. During the 2015–2016 academic year, she began teaching full time at South Bronx Preparatory. Volunteer Experience Rebecca traveled to Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago on mission trips. During both trips, she assisted with Vacation Bible School, visited homes for the elderly, and worked to improve local communities. Additionally, she worked with girls detained at a juvenile delinquent facility in Philadelphia. Rebecca mentored the girls as she helped them […]

Mandi Dean

[…]prepare my students for the world ahead of them, cultivating intelligent citizens who will transform society for the better.” Mandi’s Story Teaching Discipline Mathematics Why Mathematics β€œI love that math is a fluid and active field, begging to be explored and manipulated. It can be used to describe every component of the world around us. Math is a beautiful challenge, and by studying it we train ourselves to persevere, think critically, and tackle any problem that we face.” Professional Experience For three years, Mandi has been investigating the most effective ways to incorporate 3D printing and 3D design into the […]
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