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Sonia Swami

[…]time, you can find Sonia painting, going on long walks to explore nature, playing board games, cooking new recipes, and traveling. Academic Background University of Maryland (Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Minor in Human Development) University of Maryland (M.Ed., Curriculum & […]

Karen Ge

[…]to remember that their strengths and their community’s strengths will be the key to unlocking their dreams. I want them to remember: β€˜you are a math person’, and that means you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Karen’s Story Teaching Discipline Mathematics Why Mathematics Mathematics is beautiful, creative, and playful, though many people don’t often get to experience it that way. For me, math shapes my perspective on the world, revealing the infinite wonder in everythingβ€”from the tiniest dewdrop to the coastline of Antarctica to the music of the planets. I hope to share a sense of that […]

Veronica Wrobleski

[…]loves to crochet and knit. She used to sell handmade cat and dog sweaters. She also enjoys cooking, baking, watching horror movies and trashy TV shows, drawing, and hanging out with friends. Academic Background Vanderbilt University ( Bachelor of Science in Biology Sciences and Secondary […]

Michael Miller

[…]two years. Michael will start their third year teaching at Jefferson High School, Daly City, California in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In their free time, Michael enjoys spending time with their partner and friends making art, playing board games, and watching anime. Michael also enjoys knitting. Academic Background University of California, Santa Cruz (Bachelor of Science in Physics/ Astrophysics) Stanford University (Master of Arts in […]

Miles Borowsky

[…]ESL certification student teaching internship at Glencliff High School in Nashville, working with newcomer students, and was a summer teaching fellow at Breakthrough Collaborative in Philadelphia, teaching seventh-grade science. Outside a classroom role, Miles has also spent the last two years as a Research Assistant for Project TAU on two analysis teams. His team investigated and wrote about how teachers can use different strategies to disrupt inequitable authority dynamics during mathematics group work. Miles will start his first year teaching ninth grade Algebra at Paul Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies Miles loves to […]

Aiying Huang

[…]up, I experienced many β€œtraditional” classrooms. My teachers priorized lectures and testing. Fortunately, chemistry came very easily to me. It made a lot of sense and sparked my genuine curiosity. I want to bring that joy and curiosity to my students so that they can apply that curiosity and interest to their goals and endeavors. Professional Experience While in her undergraduate program, Aiying had the opportunity to gain many different experiences in and outside the classroom. Aiying worked as a reading tutor at the McEnroe Reading & Language Arts Clinic at UC Santa Barbara, where she assisted elementary school students […]

Camila Vinson

[…]Science at Durham School of the Arts in Durham, NC in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In her free time, Camila enjoys reading, baking, birdwatching, and spending time with her cat, Darcy. Academic Background Rice University (Bachelor of Science in Bioscience, Minor in Anthropology) Rice University (M.A.T. […]

Cathryn Tuttle

[…]two new elective courses, zoology and botany! Cathryn will start her third year at East Hartford High School, East Hartford Connecticut in the 2024-2025 school year. Hobbies In her free time, Cathryn loves to Salsa dance. She has found it very rewarding, and hopes to make time to learn more types of dance next year. Academic Background University of Connecticut (Bachelor of Science in Biology Education and Bachelor of Art in Biology Science, Human Development and Family Studies Minor) University of Connecticut (Master of Arts in Curriculum and […]

Christian Royer

[…]and learn about various phenomena through hands-on learning. Professional Experience Before becoming a teacher, Christian was a Manufacturing Engineer, working in Data Center Manufacturing for Twitter, and was a Management Engineer at Rady Children’s Hospital. He also worked as a Room Advisor and Tutor at RealityChangers. Christian did his student teaching in Physics and SDAIE Physics at W.C. Overfelt during the 2021-2022 school year. Since then he has been teaching Honors Physics, College Prep Physics, and Work Education Experience at Fremont High School. Christian will start his third year of teaching at Fremont High School in Sunnyvale, CA in the […]

Josh Pullen

[…]year. Hobbies Josh is very passionate about education-focused computer programming and loves working on these projects in his free time. Academic Background Michigan State University (Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Minor in Computer Science) Michigan State University (Graduate Teacher […]
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