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Megan Grupe

[…]I gain the skills and insights needed to be a science teacher leader in my school, district, and community.” Megan’s Story Megan developed a strong interest in outdoor education while studying marine biology and environmental science at the University of Oregon. Through participation in an environmental education initiative, she collaborated with other students to write and implement curriculum about the salt marshes, estuary, and tide pools located near the southern Oregon coast. While visiting Mexico and Costa Rica, Megan taught informal science lessons to elementary school students. These experiences helped to shape her perspective on working with English Language Learners […]

Kayla Kutemeier

[…]wonderful way of looking at the natural world, and ought to be accessible to anyone capable of asking questions of β€˜how’ and β€˜why.’ As a teacher, it is my goal and challenge to uncover that capability within each student.” Kayla’s Story The curiosity of a scientist and the careful work of a teacher have been part of Kayla for as long as she can remember. As the daughter of a music teacher, Kayla grew up appreciating the dedication of great teachers firsthand; through father-daughter stargazing, hiking, and mountain biking adventures, she also grew up with an appreciation for nature and […]

The Machines Around Us

[…]the regional teacher observation group I helped organize helped me appreciate the importance of working with β€œmachines.” How I came to see the machines around me Sometimes, the work of a group is reliant upon the superhuman efforts of a few individuals manually catching every ball in the air and tying each loose end. There is no defined process; it is just β€œAlex’s thing.” Nobody really knows how he does it, but thank goodness he does! The group’s outcomes are dependent on a few specific crank-turners; without them, nothing moves, and the group ceases. We all know these sorts of […]

Transformative Professional Development Through Integrated STEM

[…]in general. In PD sessions like the one I described above, we teachers are expected to learn β€œnew knowledge” and incorporate it into our work. PD in this sense is a form of filling in the gaps or adding new practices, so-called β€œadditive PD.” Additive PD leads to an emotional response: an overwhelming feeling of needing to do more and profound insecurity about what to actually do. Eventually, we might also experience feelings of defeat because our learning was so superficial that our implementation lacked staying power. Integrated STEM instruction as a transformative PD experience In contrast to additive PD, […]

Maria Chal

[…]students. Maria also serves as Director of Education for BCDC. In this role, she is responsible for communicating with in-country staff, conducting annual country visits and meetings, organizing professional and school protocol development, raising funds, and managing finances for an elementary school in Kiryabicooli, Uganda. Hobbies Maria enjoys hiking, teaching yoga, baking, painting, and spending time with her nieces and nephew. Academic Background Harvard University (Master of Education in Secondary Biology; Special Education Certification) University of Cincinnati (Master of Arts in English and Comparative Literature) Bellarmine University (Bachelor of Arts in Biology and […]

Sparking Change: Equity Initiatives in a Liberal Arts Charter School

[…]that in the past she probably would have let the inappropriate comment slide because she was not comfortable addressing it. Now she felt encouraged by what we were doing in Socius Club. Another positive outcome was when a colleague shared a concern about the lack of diversity on the senior thesis curriculum. He noted that nearly all of the authorsβ€”as well as the main charactersβ€”in the books our seniors read were male. This led to a discussion on opportunities to include more female voices in the curriculum and ultimately led us to switch out one of the books and replace […]

Joel Amidon

[…]Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 among others. In addition, he hosts a website ( and hosts/co-hosts several podcasts (Teaching Math Teaching, Amidon Planet, and The Road to Better Teaching) on the improvement of teaching. Overall. his goal is to lead people to love others through teaching. He has served as a Knowles selection advisor numerous times and was elected to the Knowles Board of Trustees in May […]
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