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Now on Teacher Voice: #teach180

[…]teaching, how participating supports teachers in improving classroom practice, how they built new communities, and how it helped them navigate the complex relationships between teachers, students, parents, administrators, and educational policymakers. When teachers are professionals they engage in a community, they reflect in a community . . . [it] can be really challenging when you are in a more isolated context. Participating in #teach180 has also helped me to learn self-compassion, that there are other teachers who struggle. Itโ€™s important to learn from failures, but also there are opportunities to celebrate things Iโ€™m doing that are successful, things that other […]

Striving to be THAT Teacher

[…]to request teachers for the next year. To me, the clear underlying message was, โ€œI like you,โ€ โ€œI had fun this period,โ€ and/or โ€œYou are a good teacher.โ€ Maybe even a great teacher. I was feeling good, and my confidence got a little boost until I read “The Great Teacher Myth,โ€ written by Knowles Fellow Erin Marron (2016). She notes: Depicting a past teacher as the lone teacher bucking the system is subtly couched in a larger assumptionโ€”that the surroundings are bleak and uninspired. When we glorify our own inspirational teachers, we quietly assume that our other teachers who came […]

Self-Talk and Sustainability

[…]for the reminder, Iโ€™m still trying. I still see the target, and it is still important to me.โ€ Download Article     Alex Steinkamp, a Knowles Senior Fellow, is entering his fifth year of teaching at Olympia High School in Olympia, Washington, where he continues to grapple with his sense of identity as an educator. Reach Alex at […]

Giving Props to New Teachers

[…]of silence. I assigned seats as strategically as possible. Nothing was working. Because I felt so comfortable with my team, I asked them to give me advice. This was no small featโ€”I think it can be incredibly challenging for new teachers to feel comfortable going to peers for help, but my colleaguesโ€™ intentional work to build camaraderie was paying off. Not only did they happily oblige, the history teacher offered to come observe and give feedback. To my amazement, his response to my class was that it was largely running okay (it did not actually reach the levels seen in […]

Raise Your Hand: Changing Students’ Lives

[…]Kaleidoscope, Raise Your Hand, features short responses to a writing prompt. Do you have an idea for a storytelling prompt? Contact us at Download […]

Letter to the Editors: Teaching with Technology

[…]in her classroomโ€”beginning with a question to test her assumptions, and collecting data through student surveys to help develop her thinking further. Again, this process is one from which our district technology team stands to learn. Finally, Beverly’s conclusion that when it comes to using technology, teachers should begin with asking how student learning will be affected is so basic a dimension, yet one we strangely seem to lose track of in these discussions. I appreciate Beverly’s humility to remind her readers that it’s okay to take a step back when things don’t work out the way we assumed or […]

Teachers’ Lounge: Teach Away Your Student Loans

[…]the end of your five years (or each year if we are talking about Perkins), you apply for โ€œloan forgivenessโ€ (or โ€œcancellationโ€ if we are talking about Perkins). I found this term objectionable because I had done nothing wrong. But so it goes. This paperwork is even more fun, because you have to get signatures from the principals at every school you taught at in those five years. Not the principal you had, the current principal. For me, this meant introducing myself to someone who had never met me and asking her to sign paperwork saying that I worked at […]
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