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Timothy Ellis

[…]about his involvement with debate and forensics. His interest began in high school, when he competed with some level of success. As a debate and forensics coach, heโ€™s led six policy debate teams to the National Forensics League National Tournament, resulting in the placement of several of his teams in the top 50 in the country. Timothyโ€™s passion for debate translates well into his science classroom, as he regularly builds time for discussion and presentations into his lessons. Timothy loves all things pop culture and is an avid sports fan. […]

Jennifer Stauffer

[…]School, Jen mentors and supports colleagues new to the profession. She has chaired multiple committees for colleagues undergoing their 3rd year career review and has been active in formally restructuring the biology and chemistry curricula at Hopkins. Jen was awarded a Hach Chemistry Materials Grant in 2008. A 2008 Knowles alumna, she created and coached Hopkinsโ€™ first ever Science Olympiad Team in 2009. In April 2009, her team won 1st place at the state level and went on to compete at the National Science Olympiad in Georgia where several students earned […]

Jeanine Gasper

[…]vocational school. โ€œIt was a fantastic experience, one that I hope to weave into my teaching.โ€ Before returning to Guatemala for a second winter, Jeanine decided that she wanted to become a teacher. Upon returning from Guatemala, she attended Wake Forest University and graduated with a masterโ€™s degree in science education and a certification in physics. Jeanine joined the staff of Catholic Central High School in Grand Rapids in 2005 and started a pre-engineering program at the school in 2006. In 2008, Jeanineโ€™s pre-engineering students developed the Handy Typer device, which helped a teacher who has lost his hand type […]

Melissa Livingston

[…]University. Upon completion of the program, she taught chemistry full time in Atherton, California before relocating to Oregon. In Oregon, she accepted a full time chemistry teacher position at McKay High School in Salem. In addition to teaching, Melissa is working with other science teachers in her district to support them in using a modeling approach to teaching science. Hobbies When Melissa isnโ€™t teaching, she spends her time running with her dog, backpacking with her husband, completing long distance bike rides in the beautiful Oregon rain, or teaching exercise classes at the local Barre3 studio. Academic Background Stanford University (Master […]

Pressing Pause

[…]phone rang with an unfamiliar number. In the job game, they only call with good newsโ€”bad news comes in the mail. The relief I experienced after this was the first sign that I should have made a change sooner. That night, as my son yelped along to the music of my husbandโ€™s dissertation performance by the symphony orchestra at Indiana University Bloomington, I felt pure elation. My choice to leave the classroom in that moment was incredibly easy. I was miserable, and having an end in sight changed everything. But I still felt this huge sense of loss when the […]

Matt Sakow

[…]he was hired as a job coach for students with developmental disabilities. Hobbies Matt enjoys hiking, reading, and cooking. Academic Background University of Missouri (Master of Education in Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum: Mathematics Education) Messiah College (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with Teaching […]

Call and Response: Tiny Successes

[…]tiny success is getting my grant for graphing calculators! My school has one scratched, leaking TI 83 for every two students. Ten TI 84 Plus CEs help alleviate that issue. – Madelyn Lin, 2022 Knowles Teaching Fellow Sometimes the smallest thing can make the greatest difference. I have a student teacher who is doing a wonderful job and is leading most of my classes. I’m still often present in the room and get a lot of time with my students, specifically supporting those who are struggling or who have missed a lot of class. This morning, while cleaning random marks […]

Unexpected Achievements: Teaching English Language Learners in a Remote Environment

[…]especially when overcoming challenging ideas. Comments like: โ€œIt feels like my brain is growing,โ€ โ€œIt opens my head,โ€ โ€œWhen you learn something it stays in your brain,โ€ and โ€œYou keep practicing until you get itโ€ indicated studentsโ€™ true ownership of learning. One of my personal goals for teaching remotely was to do just thatโ€”increase studentsโ€™ ownership of their learning. I recognized that students would need to care about their own learning for remote instruction to be successful.ย  This exuberance over mastering skills actually led students to ask for more time to work on math. Two hours a day wasnโ€™t enough […]

Summits and Valleys

[…]in nature for that long and physically pushing my body to new limits was completely out of my comfort zone. I remember condensing all my gear and preparing my pack while my parents were telling me, โ€œHiking 30 miles in three days carrying all your water, food, clothes, tent, sleeping bag, everything on your back? Are you crazy?!โ€ Although I talked a big game and told them I was prepared, I was nervous I wouldnโ€™t be able to take the trip. I allowed my competitive nature to push me and decided to at least try. On our first day of […]

Where Do We Go From Here?

    ย    Download Comic Chris Anderson is a Knowles Senior Fellow who has been teaching at the secondary level for eight years. He has taught integrated science, environmental science, sociology, chemistry, biology, and anatomy-physiology. Chris recently relocated to the Chicago area, following his spouse, and started at New Trier High School amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. He has lived in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, but never very far from the Great Lakes. Chris likes to grow things to eat. You can find him, occasionally, on Twitter @grow_sci or email him at […]
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