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Recognizing Joy in 2020

[…]support from a community that has always felt homelike. Right from the beginning, I felt safe and comfortable to voice questions. Despite being new, my voice was valued and space was given for my suggestions. Each meeting, even though virtual, began with time for authentic connection. The goals and passion for education felt they were truly in the right direction. The field of education has left more to envision and question this year, Time was given to appreciate and desire more from this essential career. Do you feel you made and had time to reflect upon your professional passion and […]

Where Do We Go From Here?

    Β    Download Comic Chris Anderson is a Knowles Senior Fellow who has been teaching at the secondary level for eight years. He has taught integrated science, environmental science, sociology, chemistry, biology, and anatomy-physiology. Chris recently relocated to the Chicago area, following his spouse, and started at New Trier High School amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. He has lived in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, but never very far from the Great Lakes. Chris likes to grow things to eat. You can find him, occasionally, on Twitter @grow_sci or email him at […]

Call and Response: What did teaching during the pandemic teach you?

[…]into my room or entered the Google Meet. I got more than the usual level of participation with the β€œfun” content in class activities. I also found more students talking about the activities and engaging with each other more. I hope to continue to do this in my future years of teaching. Something I do not want to go back to is a larger classroom size. In order to keep things somewhat safe, school administration limited the number of students that were allowed to be in the building and in the classroom. In a normal year, I could have anywhere […]

From the Editors’ Desk: What have we learned from teaching through a pandemic that we want to hold on to?

[…]to turn inward to support each other and lean on the community we had built. Now was not the time for new projects or for bringing others in; it was a time for drawing on our relationships for the strength to cope with an impossibly difficult year. So we asked ourselves: what if we wrote this issue ourselves? It could be a way to give something back to our community, who have given us their time, insights, and wisdom through sharing so many stories with us. So here it is, our offering to youβ€”authored by current members of the Kaleidoscope […]

Sophia Loumiotis

[…]School during the 2021–2022 school year.Β Β  HobbiesΒ Β  In her spare time, Sophia enjoys cooking and baking. She especially loves recreating Greek recipes that she learned from her family. Academic Background University of California, Berkeley (Bachelor of Arts in Pure Mathematics) Stanford University (Master of Arts in Mathematics […]

Ciera Nickerson

[…]and creative. It was then that I fell in love with math and set out to do for others what he did for me.”   Professional Experience Ciera taught informally for several years as an activities instructor and a day camp activity lead with the Chicago Parks District and the YMCA, respectively. During her graduate studies at the University of Michigan, she instructed an eighth-grade intensive summer session through Wolverine Pathways. As a math educator, she exposed students to the Algebra 1 concepts they would learn in high school. In addition to teaching, she helped to write the curriculum for the […]

The Unanswered Question: Coping with How Much You Can Do As a Teacher

[…]and I thought I was ready. I was teaching two courses that I had taught before, and I was more comfortable changing things in my teaching practice to reflect what I had learned from the last two years. I was implementing new learning from my credential program, in-district professional development, and from my Knowles Teaching Fellowship work. I was experimenting with grading math on a standards-based system. I was trying to incorporate retake systems and new homework policies into my classes that better reflected my ideas around learning. I had fully bought into the professional learning community (PLC) model after […]

On Harry Potter and Whose Stories are Told

[…]in turn, caused her to question the choices she makes in her teaching practice.     Download Article Download Transcript Download Audio Jamie Melton, a 2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow, teaches biology at Roy High School in Roy, Utah. In her brief career, she has also taught human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, Earth science, geology, and seventh-grade science. Jamie is an HHMI BioInteractive ambassador and loves presenting to share resources with other teachers. Contact her at […]
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