2025 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference
Knowles staff and Fellows ares presenting at the 2025 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference (AMTE) in Reno, Nevada, February 6-8.
Presentation Title: You’re my resource! Teacher Role in the Mathematics Identity Development of Black Girls
Knowles Senior Fellow, Kyalamboka Brown
Friday, February 7, 2025, 8:15 am
This qualitative study centers the voices of teenage Black girls and their recounts of mathematics related experiences since elementary school to examine the process in which their mathematics identities are constructed. The identity resource framework (Nasir & Cook, 2009) provides a lens through which to investigate how Black girls’ use of resources, especially ideas and messages, in their environment to negotiate their mathematics identities. Findings suggest that mathematics teachers play a pivotal role in mathematics identity development by providing ideational resources that either support or constrain a positive mathematics identity. This study has implications for teacher preparation and professional development.
Presentation Title: Empowering Early Career STEM Teachers: Navigating Collaborative Conversations for Equitable Practices
Knowles Program Officer, Teacher Development Gina Wilson
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 8:15 am
In this workshop, participants explore a specialized tool designed to assist early career STEM teachers (ECSTs) in identifying factors within complex systems that impact collaborative relationships between colleagues. This tool aids ECSTs in meaningful discussions about implementing equitable teaching practices across all grade bands and content levels, fostering shifts in their own and their colleagues’ approaches. Attendees will also gain insights into challenges ECSTs face in initiating such discussions andreceive initial guidance on fostering supportive environments for these dialogues.
Learn more about this presentation here.
Presentation Title: Exploring equitable teaching: Insights into the relationships between talk, task, doing, and teacher identity
Knowles Director of Outreach and Dissemination, Ayanna Perry
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 10:30 am
We share the curriculum and experiences of early career secondary mathematics teachers, examining the relationship between talk, task, and doing in their classrooms, aligned with Common Core mathematical practices. We share how investigating these relationships, coupled with identity reflections, in a professional development setting, influenced conceptions of equitable math practices for inservice teachers. From this discussion, coaches, instructors, and administrators can gain new approaches encouraging introspective identity exploration and new ideas for discussing equitable teaching with current or prospective teachers. In addition, participants can glean insights from our shared successes and hurdles in advancing equitable teaching practices through practitioner inquiry.