Timothy Ellis

I think teachers should be viewed as experts in their field, who are treated with respect from parents, students, and politicians alike.”

Timothy’s Story

While studying chemical engineering then chemistry at the University of Kansas, Timothy worked at Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions. He also served as an assistant debate and forensics coach at a local high school. His interactions with high schoolers, and the positive feedback he received from parents, led him to pursue teaching as a career.

Timothy is passionate about his involvement with debate and forensics. His interest began in high school, when he competed with some level of success. As a debate and forensics coach, he’s led six policy debate teams to the National Forensics League National Tournament, resulting in the placement of several of his teams in the top 50 in the country. Timothy’s passion for debate translates well into his science classroom, as he regularly builds time for discussion and presentations into his lessons.

Timothy loves all things pop culture and is an avid sports fan.