Alison Espinosa

I decided that I wanted to teach in high school; after taking pre-calculus I recognized that I had a talent for mathematics.”

Alison’s Story

As a child, Alison Espinosa moved frequently. She attended elementary school in Stellarton, Nova Scotia, middle school in Cambridge, Ontario and high school in Greenville, S.C.  “I am glad that I was given the opportunity to live in different cities, cultures, and climates.”

Alison always knew that she wanted to become a teacher and she discovered her subject in high school. “By the end of my AP calculus class I knew that I wanted to major in math at the University of South Carolina, while also pursuing a minor in education.” As part of her master’s degree and teacher certification program, she worked with elementary level classes, high school students and college students.  In her last year, she worked with four pre-calculus classes and two advanced placement (AP) calculus classes.

As a teacher, Alison has taken a special interest in using technology in the classroom.  She has participated in workshops at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that addressed the use of technology in math classrooms and attended a Texas Instrument workshop on the N’spire calculator. Alison co-chairs the numeracy committee at her school.