CEO Message
“I am confident that we will come through this crisis stronger than ever, having learned and grown, and able to achieve our mission in ways we never imagined before.”

December 11, 2020

Dear Friends of Knowles,

Each year that I write this letter for our annual report, I use it as an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve accomplished together over the past year and think about the challenges and opportunities ahead of us. As I look back over the fiscal year that ended May 31, 2020, I can’t help but marvel at the unprecedented circumstances that we, and most of the world, are still trying to comprehend and navigate. While 2020 will forever be marked as the year a global pandemic changed almost every aspect of our lives, the Knowles Teacher Initiative entered that crisis still reeling from the loss of our beloved founder, C. Harry Knowles, who passed away on January 7, 2020.  

Despite these trying, and at times overwhelming circumstances, the Knowles Teacher Initiative continues to thrive. In early March, we interviewed 71 finalists for our 2020 Teaching Fellowship, our last in-person event. Almost immediately after, we responded to state and local lock-down orders by transitioning to a fully remote workforce and began planning how to continue to support teachers virtually. Most of the Teaching Fellows’ spring meetings were virtual, as was the orientation for the 34 new Fellows in the 2020 Cohort. By April we decided that our annual Summer Conference would need to be virtual as well. We canceled our Knowles Academy courses for the summer, but decided instead to develop 90-minute, online short courses that we offered to teachers at no cost.

Although these transitions have been and continue to be challenging, and we miss the in-person interactions with educators, our staff has been unwavering in their commitment to providing high-quality professional support and development to teachers. In the Fellows’ stories below, you can read about some of the ways we’ve supported individual teachers to navigate this crisis. But we’ve also used this opportunity to build our experience and expertise in online professional development, which will eventually allow us to serve an even broader pool of science and math teachers throughout the country, even when it’s safe to meet in person once again.

Knowles Programs
Teaching Fellows Program

The Knowles Teaching Fellowship is an intensive, five-year program that supports early-career, high school mathematics and science teachers in their efforts to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom. In fiscal year 2020, Knowles supported 198 Teaching Fellows in 33 states, plus the District of Columbia.

Senior Fellows Program

After completing the fifth year, Teaching Fellows become Senior Fellows who have the opportunity to receive support from Knowles for leadership efforts. In fiscal year 2020, the Knowles community included 241 Senior Fellows.

Knowles Academy

Through the Knowles Academy, the Knowles Teacher Initiative provides professional development services for teachers and customized services for schools and districts that are designed and facilitated by experienced teachers. In fiscal year 2020, we held nine Academy courses, which were attended by more than 100 teachers and facilitated and/or coached by 24 Senior Fellows. 

Fellow Stories

The Knowles Teacher Initiative supports our Fellows in their efforts to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom. Knowles Fellows have access to grants for expenses associated with purchasing classroom materials, engaging in professional development, and spearheading leadership activities that have an impact beyond their own classrooms. Fellows also benefit from access to stipends, mentoring and coaching from experienced teachers and teacher educators, and membership in a nationwide community of more than 450 teachers who are committed to improving education. See how Knowles Fellows are leveraging their experience as Fellows and the available benefits to improve mathematics and science education in their classrooms and beyond.

Gail Gallaher

2018 Knowles Teaching Fellow
Second-year Integrated Science Teacher
Odyssey STEM Academy
Lakewood, California

As a second-year teacher, 2018 Knowles Teaching Fellow Gail Gallaher was still getting acclimated to her new school and her classroom in general when instruction was shifted to a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She realized that she needed support to refine her teaching approach to fit distance learning and to reevaluate her goals for the year. Gail successfully applied for a professional development grant from Knowles that covered the cost of her participation in the Knowles Coaching Partnership Program. Through the program, she was paired with Knowles Senior Fellow Jeffrey Spencer as her coach. The pair began working together in May, with a focus on planning assignments for summer school students that addressed some of her school’s competencies. Over the summer, Jeff coached Gail through the process of prioritizing her goals and developing a vision statement for the culture of her classroom. Jeff will continue to coach Gail during the 2020–2021 school year as she conducts practitioner inquiry on her newly formed vision statement, strives to get her students comfortable with sharing their thinking, and aims to make science practices visible, inside and outside the classroom. Reflecting on their coaching relationship, Gail said, “Working with Jeff, I learned a lot in a way that was deeply personalized to meet my changing needs. Our coaching relationship helped me refocus on what matters most in my teaching practice and will help me keep improving for years to come.”

Nifemi Kolayemi

2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow
Fourth-year Physics Teacher
East Boston High School
East Boston, Massachusetts

From Monday, May 4–June 26, 2020, the state of Massachusetts required 2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow Nifemi Kolayemi to provide 2.5 hours daily of synchronous learning time for her students. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nifemi needed to determine how to use technology to instruct her students in a virtual environment. After trying unsuccessfully to annotate documents and create mathematical representations such as graphs, drawings, and equations on a virtual whiteboard and a digital writing tablet during synchronous learning time, Nifemi successfully requested a Knowles materials grant for the purchase of an Apple iPad Pro and an Apple pencil. Since receiving the tablet in May, Nifemi has used it to record videos to support learning in her flipped physics classroom. Additionally, she uses her iPad to give feedback on student assignments and to make lecture videos that show how to solve physics problems in real time. In every student survey that she has administered so far, her students name the lecture videos as the most helpful resource for the class. Nifemi shared that this grant is the most impactful one that she’s received to date in terms of having immediate tangible benefits.

Lauren Kline

Knowles Senior Fellow
Sixth-year Biology Teacher
Joliet Central High School
Joliet, Illinois

At her spring 2017 cohort meeting, Knowles Teaching Fellow Lauren Kline was introduced to complex instruction (CI)—a teaching strategy that promotes equitable classroom culture. In an effort to learn more about how to use complex instruction in her classroom, Lauren and other Fellows attended a week-long training on the subject hosted by the University of Washington in the summer of 2018. Leveraging what she learned, Lauren has since developed and implemented biology tasks for her classroom, led a collaborative working group on CI at the 2017 Knowles Summer Conference, and helped develop and facilitate a Knowles Academy course centered on CI. Most recently, she started a professional learning community for teachers in her district who are focused on using equitable groupwork structures and norms. As part of an unrelated effort, her district uncovered data that points to inequities in core math and science courses. In an effort to improve science and math outcomes for students of color, female students, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners, the district now offers two courses to help support teachers in thinking about equity. Seeing the need for professional development that provides teachers with classroom tools and strategies to create more equitable environments for students, Lauren successfully applied for a Knowles Seed Grant to train district math and science teachers on CI. Facilitated by Knowles Senior Program Officer for Teacher Development Michele Cheyne, Knowles Program Officer for Teacher Development Josh Thurbee and Knowles Senior Fellow Camden Hanzlick-Burton, Lauren and 38 teachers were trained on CI on January 7, 2020. To provide support with implementation, the participants were slated to reflect on the CI task/strategy they implemented in their classroom on a monthly basis, however, the plan was interrupted in mid-March by COVID-19. In a pre-training survey, participants reported the social and academic status of students in one class before implementing CI. By the end of in-person instruction (mid-March), there was a significant increase in teachers’ reported status of students. One teacher commented, “I was surprised at how easily some of my ‘lower’ status students took on the leadership role. I loved seeing them take charge of their group, it was almost like some of them were just waiting for the opportunity.” Moving forward, Lauren hopes to resume her work with the first cohort and to recruit a second cohort of teachers to participate in the CI training.

Andrew McCarty

Knowles Senior Fellow
Eighth-year Physical Science Teacher
Summit Public Schools: Shasta
Daly City, California

During the 2019–2020 school year, chemistry and physics teachers at Summit Public Schools received a new curriculum that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. The new curriculum was developed by Knowles Senior Fellow Andrew McCarty, Manager of Project-based Instruction at Summit Public Schools, and his colleague Bradley Davey as part of a contract with the charter network. In order to effectively implement and adjust the curriculum, Summit teachers need expertise in NGSS, as well as the overarching design of the new chemistry and physics courses.

This is particularly important as California and Washington state, where Summit schools are located, are beginning to administer state-level assessments based on NGSS. In an effort to address this pressing need, Andrew successfully applied for a Knowles Seed Grant to cover the costs of collaborating with Bradley to develop model units in chemistry and physics, exemplars of student work, and training and instructional materials that explain NGSS design. To date, Andrew and Bradley have created teacher-facing materials for particle behavior, the first unit of the new chemistry curriculum, which is being taught to approximately 1,000 students by 10 teachers. Additionally, they shared the entire unit with approximately 40 teachers at the Murdoch Partners in Science Conference, which was held in San Diego, California, in January 2020. Last, Andrew and Bradley submitted the unit to WestEd, the educational organization that maintains the NGSS website, for review of alignment with NGSS. Moving forward, they will either make revisions to the unit or begin to prepare additional units for submission.  

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Carlee (Hollenbeck) Madis, Sheila Orr, Sarah DiMaria & Monica Sircar

Knowles Senior Fellow (Sarah)
Sixth-year Math Teacher
Cedars International Next Generation High School
Austin, Texas

Knowles Senior Fellow (Carlee)
Graduate Student
Western Michigan University

Knowles Senior Fellow (Sheila)
Eighth-year Math Teacher
Everett High School
Lansing, Michigan

Knowles Senior Fellow (Monica)
Science Educator
BSCS Science Learning 

Through project-based learning, students learn as they apply skills and content to solve relevant, real-world problems. Having experienced positive student outcomes following the implementation of PBL in their math and science classrooms, Knowles Senior Fellows Sarah DiMaria, Carlee (Hollenbeck) Madis, Sheila Orr and Monica Sircar realized the need for high quality, content-specific professional development for teachers. Funded by a Seed Grant from Knowles in 2019, the group collaborated to develop a framework, tools, and core materials for a Knowles Academy course focused on PBL. They piloted the course in partial form at the 2019 Knowles Summer Conference to an average of 14 Knowles Fellows per day over the course of three days. Sarah, Carlee, Sheila and Monica used funding from a second year of their Knowles Seed Grant to modify the course based upon the feedback they received. Further, they used funding to develop a cohesive narrative and facilitation moves for the full three-days of the course, which will help when they need to recruit additional facilitators. While their Knowles Academy course was slated to be offered in summer 2020, all in-person courses were canceled due to COVID-19. As long as it is safe to do so, the course will be offered in New Jersey in summer 2021.

Erika Mitkus, Jonathan Bower, Jamie Melton,  Sarah Spector & Sara Abeita

2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow (Sara)
Fourth-year Biology Teacher
Lawrence Free State High School
Lawrence, Kansas

2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow (Jonathan)
Fourth-year Biology Teacher
Del Mar High School
San Jose, California 

2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow (Jamie)
Fourth-year Biology Teacher
Roy High School
Roy, Utah

2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow (Erika)
Fourth-year Biology Teacher
The Governor’s Academy
Byfield, Massachusetts

2016 Knowles Teaching Fellow (Sarah)
Fourth-year Biology Teacher
The Crefeld School
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

During the summer of 2019, 30 Knowles Fellows traveled to the Galapagos Islands to participate in a professional development program designed by Ecology Project International. With financial support from Knowles, the Fellows spent nine days engaging in hands-on, inquiry-based learning in one of the world’s most unique ecosystems. Leveraging the Galapagos Island professional development experience, the Fellows worked in small groups to create 11 resources for high school mathematics and science teachers that are grounded in real-world phenomena. A desire to share the resources they created with teachers across the country led to the formation of the Knowles Experiential Learning Project (KELP). The free, Fellow-created resources have been compiled in the KELP Resource Bank and are available via the KELP website. Led by 2016 Knowles Teaching Fellows Erika Mitkus, Sara Abeita, Sarah Spector, Jonathan Bower, and Jamie Melton, KELP was awarded a leadership grant from Knowles to support a wider distribution of their resources. To date, KELP presentation proposals have been accepted by the Kansas Association of Biology Teachers and the National Association of Biology Teachers. The KELP leadership team looks forward to adding more Galapagos Island PD alumni to their network and creating more free, multidisciplinary resources for teachers.

Destinee Cooper

2015 Knowles Teaching Fellow
Fifth-year AP Chemistry Teacher
Eleanor Roosevelt High School
Greenbelt, Maryland

The switch to virtual instruction led 2015 Knowles Teaching Fellow Destinee Cooper to reevaluate how she would engage her Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry students in hands-on labs to help prepare them for the AP exam. To address this issue, Destinee successfully requested a materials grant from Knowles to purchase Pivot Interactives subscriptions for all 155 AP Chemistry students at her school. Pivot Interactives is an authentic virtual lab platform that allows students to observe phenomena, make measurements, and analyze data while engaging in distance learning. In August 2020, Destinee and her AP Chemistry colleagues met to collaboratively identify the labs that would be implemented with each unit of study. Next, Destinee built online assessments that include error analysis and other topics frequently included on the AP exam. Beginning in fall 2020, AP Chemistry students at her school will engage in at least two Pivot Interactives virtual lab experiences per unit. When asked about the impact of the materials grant, Destinee said, “Pivot interactives have supported my students in developing their experimental design and error analysis skills in the absence of our traditional lab setting. The assessment data that the platform provides has also been very useful for planning and instruction.” 

2020 Teaching Fellows

2020 Cohort of Knowles Teaching Fellows

The 2020 Cohort of Knowles Teaching Fellows is composed of 34 exceptional early-career, high school biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics teachers. Their Fellowships began on June 1, 2020 and will continue through the summer of 2025. Unlike other cohorts, their orientation was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more about our newest Fellows.

Mark Akubo

Physics Teacher

St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Tallahassee, Florida

Taught science to students in Nigeria

Karina Bhutta

Biology Teacher

Howard W. Blake High School
Tampa, Florida

Served as a teaching assistant for Critical Issues in Education: Perspectives on Schools and Schooling, a class she co-designed for the Florida International University Honors College

John Brown

Math Teacher

Lake View High School
Chicago, Illinois

Volunteers as a member of the program committee for Math Circles of Chicago

Quinn Cabral

Math Teacher

Del Mar High School
San Jose, California

Facilitated weekly life science programs for two summers while working as a teaching assistant at Galileo Summer Camps

Tess Carlson

Chemistry Teacher

Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High School
San Francisco, California

Studied protein folding in a cellular context as an undergraduate researcher in the biophysical chemistry research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Katherine Carr

Chemistry Teacher

Convent of the Sacred Heart
New York, New York

Taught general chemistry, organic chemistry, and analytical chemistry for three years as a teaching assistant in the Stanford University Chemistry Department

Jason Chang

Chemistry Teacher

Menlo-Atherton High School
Atherton, California

Brought together local professors, students, and teachers to learn more about science and research as a core member and organizer of the Hyogo Science Coalition in Japan

Liz Dengate

Biology Teacher

Independent School District 196
Apple Valley, Minnesota

Coordinated, developed and taught education programs at the Minnesota Zoo as the Connections Coordinator

Libby Eakin

Biology Teacher

Northside College Preparatory School
Chicago, Illinois

Encouraged young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics as a founding volunteer and organizer for the Chicago chapter of Expanding Your Horizons

Anna Eckman

Environmental Science Teacher

John O’Connell High School
San Francisco, California

Personalized lesson plans focusing on creative problem solving and conceptual understanding as a private math tutor 

Jennifer Flonacher

Math Teacher

Tacoma Institute of Industrial Design, Engineering and Arts
Tacoma, Washington

Taught flight operations for normal and emergency procedures, safety, crew resource management, and tactics to C-17 aircrew members both in flight and in classroom settings as a C-17 Instructor Pilot for the United States Air Force

Eric Gofen

Math Teacher

Oscar de la Hoya Animo Charter High School
Los Angeles, California

Taught math to high school students as a participant in the Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates program in Providence, Rhode Island

Allison Hardy

Chemistry Teacher

Hillwood High School
Nashville, Tennessee

Worked as a scientist in a sixth-grade classroom through the Scientist in the Classroom Partnership Program at Vanderbilt University

Ashlie Hinkle

Physics Teacher

Divine Child High School
Dearborn, Michigan

Helped students and their families research post-secondary options, fill out college applications, and complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for one year as an AdviseMI AmeriCorps member

Kaitlyn Johnson

Math Teacher

Woodside High School
Woodside, California

Teaches physics, engineering, and math to elementary school students through Love to Learn, a company she started

Joshua Kim

Biology and Chemistry Teacher

Niles North High School
Skokie, Illinois

Worked as a science paraprofessional for three years, where he helped failing students improve their grades

Anna Kjellson

Chemistry Teacher 

Ipswich High School
Ipswich, Massachusetts

Learned how to optimize blends of specialty chemicals as a research and development intern for Croda, Inc.

Mckenna Kleinmaier

Biology Teacher

Alexander Hamilton Senior High School
Los Angeles, California

Encouraged Latina elementary school students to pursue science while volunteering with Partners in Education, an after-school program

Jeff Lampert

Chemistry Teacher

San Dieguito Academy
Encinitas, California

Sent math tutors to local underserved and underprivileged schools as program coordinator for the University of California San Diego Math Tutor Corps

Ned Lauber

Math Teacher

Metropolitan Business Academy
New Haven, Connecticut

Worked as an English language assistant at CEIP Cervantes in Puerto de Sagunto, an elementary school near Valencia, Spain

Michelle Lo

Math Teacher

Del Mar High School
San Jose, California

Taught at a Hungarian mathematics camp through the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education program, where she hosted a workshop about the Tower of Hanoi

José Lopéz

Chemistry and Physics Teacher

Theodore Roosevelt High School
Los Angeles, California

Chose to teach in his home school district to a student population with whom he can relate—low-income, Latinx, and from migrant families

Amber Luczak

Biology Teacher

Marshall Metro High School
Chicago, Illinois

Volunteered as an after school tutor in Freiburg, Germany while studying abroad

Alicia Mulqueen

Chemistry Teacher

Vestavia Hills High School
Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Worked as a field trip docent at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, where she taught elementary students all about pollinators and Alabama ecosystems

Casey Nolan

Biology Teacher

Hillsdale High School
San Mateo, California

Taught science and English to elementary and middle school students in Madrid, Spain as part of a summer enrichment program

Ruth Park

Chemistry Teacher

Boston Collegiate Charter School
Dorchester, Massachusetts

Worked as a teacher’s assistant at the Johns Hopkins’ Center of Talented Youth

Katie Ryan

Biology Teacher

Gresham Middle School
Knoxville, Tennessee

Worked as an instructor for the University of Colorado Boulder Science Discovery, a science summer camp

Anja Schaefkofer

Physics Teacher

Mifflin High School
Columbus, Ohio

Mapped a geographic information system to create maps as part of a larger nutritional study of aflatoxins causing stunted growth of children in Tanzania

Chris Schweizer

Chemistry Teacher

Roosevelt High School
Portland, Oregon

Worked as a tutor in chemistry and mathematics at his local community college

Laney Teaford

Math Teacher

Sequoia High School
Redwood City, California

Taught pre-calculus and geometry for two years at Choate Rosemary Hall, a boarding school

Evan Thorton-Kolbe

Math Teacher

Lincoln High School
Lincoln, Nebraska

Interned as an orientation leader for the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in summer 2019

Sara Valdez

Physics Teacher

South East High School
South Gate, California

Worked and lived in Guatemala while building and field testing affordable solar water heaters for developing countries

Kwesi Vincent

Math Teacher

The Workshop School
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Managed the delivery of online and in-person continuing education courses, conferences, and programs for K–12 teachers in New Jersey as manager of the Continuing Education and Global Programs for the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education

Jenny Zheng

Math Teacher

Temple High School
Temple, Texas

Taught English to seventh, tenth, and eleventh-grade students while studying abroad in Vienna

Donor Acknowledgment

Thank You to All of Our 2019–2020 Donors

During fiscal year 2020, we received a very generous multi-year pledge and intent to give from Knowles co-founder and trustee Mr. C. Harry Knowles and Knowles trustee Dr. Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams. Although we are still mourning the loss of Harry Knowles, we are so thankful for the continued support and involvement of Harry’s wife, Dr. Rorke-Adams. Her extraordinary generosity and commitment will provide stability for the organization and for our efforts to achieve Harry’s vision of transforming mathematics and science education. Additionally, we would like to thank all of our donors for supporting teachers to be leaders in educational improvement through the Knowles Academy.

Adrian Cheng

Amy Gheysens

Anna Monteiro

Ashley Carlino

Ayanna Perry

Bei Saville

Ben Graves

Bernice O’Brien

Bradford Hill

Cathy Cohn

Celeste Szewczyk

Charley Sabatier

Cheryl Brown

Chris Lipski

Christine Kamin

Christopher Anderson

Daniel Edelson

Dina Portnoy

Ebony Freeman

Ed Viner

Emily Kennedy

Felicia Schwenk

George Wohlreich

Harry Knowles and Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams

Heather Buskirk

Heather Hotchkiss

Helen Snodgrass

Ian Caldwell

Janet Carlson

Janet Knowles

Jeff Rozelle

Jennifer Mossgrove

Jill Marsteller

Jim Clark

Joe Cossette

Josh Thurbee

Joyce Lin

Judy Austermiller and Warren Betty

Karen Sass

Kate Elizabeth

Kate Heider

Katey Shirey

Kevin Henson

Kim Masloski

Kimberly Conner

Kirstin Milks

Laura Darnall

Lawrence Tint

Linda Abrams

Lynne Schill

Marcia Szewczyk

Margaret Edmunds

Mark Olson

Mary Chin

Mason Rocca

Meghan Scattaregia

Melanie Villanueva

Melissa Kagle

Michael C. Wittmann

Michele Cheyne

Nancy Pienta

Nicole Dowd

Nicole Gillespie

Patty Morehouse

Paul Kuerbis

Rebecca Bradshaw

Richard and Jodie Galosy

Robert F. Morris, Jr.

Roseanne Rostock

Sarah Hawthorne

Sarah Ingraham

Sarah Spector

Scott Murphy

Sharon J.

Stephanie Holm

Susan Pienta

Tiffany Rozelle

William Gillespie

William Rulon-Miller

Board of Trustees

Knowles Board of Trustees: Fiscal Year 2020

Heather Buskirk

Instructional Methods Advisor, K12; Knowles Senior Fellow

C. Harry Knowles *

Retired, founder and former President, Metrologic Instruments; Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Knowles Teacher Initiative Board of Trustees


* died on January 7, 2020

Janet H. Knowles

Retired, former Vice President of Administration and Treasurer, Metrologic Instruments; Founder and Secretary, Knowles Teacher Initiative Board of Trustees

Paul Kuerbis

Professor Emeritus of Education, Colorado College

Robert F. Morris Jr.

Retired, former Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager, Merrill Lynch

Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams

Retired, former Senior Pathologist, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Bei Saville

Chief Investment Officer, Advance Publications

Lawrence Tint

Chairman, Quantal International; Managing Director, Strategy Capital; Chairman; Knowles Teacher Initiative Board of Trustees

Edward D. Viner 

Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Senior Advisor to the Dean, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Michael C. Wittmann

Professor of Physics and Education, University of Maine

George M. Wohlreich

President and Chief Executive Officer of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry (Adjunct) at the Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania Schools of Medicine

The Future of Knowles
Looking Ahead 

The Knowles Teacher Initiative believes that teachers can and should be the primary agents of educational improvement. While the COVID-19 pandemic has provided unforeseen challenges with regard to supporting our Teaching and Senior Fellows, it also provided the opportunity for us to reconsider how we support teachers in a virtual environment. As a result of the pandemic, we learned how to present professional development virtually to members of our community. We also expanded our impact by presenting free professional development virtually to teachers from across the country. Despite the uncertainty of the future, we look forward to applying these learnings to how we support teachers in their efforts to improve math and science education moving forward. To learn more about Knowles, please visit
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Three-minute observation generally involve teachers making short, frequent observations of one another’s classrooms and meeting to share their findings.