CEO Message
“We see the Knowles Academy as both an opportunity to serve a wider pool of teachers, and a way to support Senior Fellows to act as agents of educational improvement with and for their peers.”

March 18, 2019

Dear Friends of Knowles,

The year ending May 31, 2018 (FY2018) was one of exciting changes that mark the beginning of a new era for our organization. But it also marked a renewed commitment on our part to trusting teachers to lead transformation in mathematics and science education. We ended some projects and started others. We welcomed new people into our community, and we wished others good luck as they transitioned to new adventures. Our new website, launched December 22, 2017, celebrates these new beginnings, successful completions and enduring commitments.

On May 11, 2018, we welcomed 34 new math and science teachers to the Knowles community as members of the 2018 Cohort, including eight who taught abroad, three published authors, one with a PhD in chemistry, one civil and environmental engineering researcher, one urban farmer and one engineer. These new teachers hail from 18 different credential programs and are teaching in 13 different states. With the addition of the 34 members of the 2018 Cohort, our national network grew to a total of 345 outstanding educators across the nation: 161 Teaching Fellows and 184 Senior Fellows.

Knowles Programs
Teaching Fellows Program

The Knowles Teaching Fellowship is an intensive and cohesive, five-year program that supports early-career, high school mathematics and science teachers in their efforts to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom. In Fiscal Year 2018, Knowles supported 161 Teaching Fellows in 33 states, plus the District of Columbia.

Senior Fellows Program

After completing the fifth year, Teaching Fellows become Senior Fellows who have the opportunity to receive support from Knowles for leadership efforts. In fiscal year 2018, the Knowles community included 184 Senior Fellows.

Knowles Academy

Fiscal year 2018 was the first full year of operations for the Knowles Academy. Through the Academy, the Knowles Teacher Initiative provides professional development services for teachers and customized services for schools and districts that are designed and facilitated by experienced teachers.

Fellow Stories

The Knowles Teacher Initiative supports our Fellows in their efforts to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom. Knowles Fellows have access to grants for expenses associated with purchasing classroom materials, engaging in professional development, and spearheading leadership activities that have an impact beyond their own classrooms. Fellows also benefit from access to stipends, mentoring and coaching from experienced teachers and teacher educators, and membership in a nationwide community of more than 300 teachers who are committed to improving education. See how Knowles Fellows are leveraging their experience as Fellows and the available benefits to improve mathematics and science education in their classrooms and beyond.

Jesse Stonewood

Knowles Senior Fellow
Seventh-year Science Teacher
Ashland High School
Ashland, Oregon

The Oregon Department of Education recommended that all school districts fully implement the Next Generation Science Standards during the 2017–2018 academic year, in preparation for the 2018–2019 academic year, when it will be included in statewide testing. 2012 Knowles Teaching Fellow Jesse Stonewood and his colleague Todd Hobein recognized wide variation in the knowledge and skills of southern Oregon teachers as related to NGSS. They also noticed a lack of relevant professional development available in their area. Desiring to build a cadre of NGSS-skilled teacher leaders in southern Oregon, 2012 Knowles Teaching Fellow Jesse Stonewood applied for a Knowles Seed Grant to fund the cost of these efforts. Jesse and Todd designed a series of four professional development trainings and recruited a small network of 10 high school science teachers from eight different local schools to participate in the Southern Oregon Next Generation Science Standards Working Group. The pair facilitated the first two of their four training sessions in April and June of 2018. The four-hour working group meetings are modeled after Knowles cohort meetings, including their use of strategic groupings, groupworthy tasks, protocols, embedded time for reflection and follow-up surveys. Participants in the group leveraged their learnings on several projects, such as improving classroom instruction, networking with department colleagues and aligning curriculum between grades at the district level. Jesse and Todd received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants, including several who have reported that the group is the most productive and meaningful professional development work in which they have ever participated. Looking forward, Jesse and Todd will facilitate their remaining training sessions during the 2018–2019 academic year.

Zoe Masters

2015 Knowles Teaching Fellow
Fourth-year Physics Teacher
Community Charter School of Cambridge
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Started by 2015 Knowles Teaching Fellow Zoe Masters and her colleague Ulana Ainsworth, Boston Educators for Equity (BEE) brings together a racially diverse group of teachers from urban public schools, charter schools and suburban public schools in the Boston area to examine issues related to race and equity. With financial support from Knowles and Teachers4Equity, the pair attended SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) New Leaders Week in Seattle, Washington, in July 2017. This seven-day, peer-led, residential workshop equipped the pair to lead SEED seminars in their own context. Zoe and Ulana recruited 19 teachers to participate in BEE during the 2017–2018 school year. Over the course of the year, BEE participants met on a monthly basis from September 2017 to May 2018. In their meetings, they discussed a variety of topics related to equity and racial justice, including the United States educational system; and wealth, income and social class. Engaging in rigorous discourse on these important topics empowered BEE participants to become change agents for equity in their respective schools—one teacher created a working group for teachers to question and investigate their racial identity and bias in the classroom and another is advocating changes to her school’s attendance policy. Their collective efforts have impacted more than 300 students. Zoe shared learnings from this experience with the Knowles community in the form of a presentation on school segregation during the 2018 Knowles Summer Meeting. During the 2018–2019 school year, Zoe and Ulana will facilitate BEE discussions with two groups of teachers—the continuing cohort and a new cohort.

Sophie State

Knowles Senior Fellow
Sixth-year Biology Teacher
Westlake High School
Westlake Village, California

Sophie State, a 2012 Knowles Teaching Fellow, received a Knowles Leadership Grant to start a three-minute club in her school during the 2014–2015 academic year. In its first year, approximately eight teachers conducted observations and met on a monthly basis to debrief, with the goal of becoming more critically reflective through a practice of guided observation and peer feedback. Another Knowles grant funded the expansion of the club into a second year. Building on these efforts, Sophie was awarded a Knowles Seed Grant to introduce the use of protocols—tools used to structure collaborative conversations between teachers—during the 2017–2018 academic year. The Seed Grant provided funding for a planning meeting to engage staff members interested in this type of work, as well as funding for subsequent meetings. The team hosted four pilot meetings between February and May 2018. The meetings provided opportunities for more than 40 teachers to experience the use of protocols to structure school-wide conversations and build trust. Conversations among teachers following these meetings were overwhelmingly positive: not only did participants return for subsequent sessions, but they drew in their colleagues by sharing what they had gained. The next steps in this initiative involve training a group of teacher leaders to facilitate the use of protocols with the rest of the school, an effort that will be partially funded by Knowles. During the 2018–2019 academic year, teachers will work in groups to improve instructional practice across the school.

Sarah DiMaria

2014 Knowles Teaching Fellow
Fourth-Year Math Teacher
Highland High School
Salt Lake City, Utah

After being introduced to practitioner inquiry through the Fellowship and her graduate studies in education, 2014 Knowles Teaching Fellow Sarah DiMaria desired to bring inquiry to her school. During the 2017–2018 academic year, she was placed in charge of managing professional development for her campus. In this role, she proposed a year-long plan to focus on school improvement through the use of inquiry. As proposed, Sarah led four groups of three teachers through six cycles of inquiry aimed at designing effective collaboration (amongst teachers and students) and supporting English language learners during the 2017–2018 academic year. Their inquiry work was supported by a Teacher Action Research Grant from the New Technology Network that provided funds for the purchase of texts that furthered participants’ understanding of inquiry. In a post-inquiry survey, the mean score for participants for the statement “I found value in examining my teaching practice through inquiry” was 4.6 out of 5. With some minor modifications, inquiry will continue into the 2018–2019 academic year. Sarah shared learnings from this experience with the Knowles community in the form of a poster on inquiry during the 2018 Knowles Summer Meeting.

Laura Wang & Camden Hanzlick-Burton

Knowles Senior Fellow (Laura)
Sixth-year Chemistry Teacher
School of the Future
New York, New York

Knowles Senior Fellow (Camden)
Sixth-year Biology Teacher
Summit Public Schools: Sierra
Seattle, Washington

2012 Knowles Teaching Fellows Laura Wang and Camden Hanzlick-Burton, along with 2013 Teaching Fellow Bernice O’Brien and 2014 Teaching Fellow Lauren Kline recognized a need for science teachers across the country to utilize teaching strategies that increased student access to learning. Fellows in these cohorts had previously learned about Complex Instruction at a Knowles Cohort Meeting. Upon looking for additional courses and supports to help with implementation in their classrooms, they were disappointed to find these resources existed only for mathematics. Camden and Laura were awarded a Knowles Seed Grant to extend this work into science, creating a community of educators interested in enacting the practices of Complex Instruction through the development of a Knowles Academy course. To kick off this work, Camden and Laura spent three days planning the course with Knowles Senior Program Officer Michele Cheyne in January 2018. Next, Camden and Laura learned more about Complex Instruction alongside the 2015 Cohort of Knowles Teaching Fellows at their Spring Cohort Meeting. On this same trip to the San Francisco Bay Area, Camden and Laura visited San Francisco International High School, where they observed Complex Instruction in action in biology and chemistry classrooms. In July 2018, Camden and Laura piloted a three-day Knowles Academy course—Establishing an Equitable Classroom Culture: An Introduction to Complex Instruction for Science Teachers—to a group of 12 teachers in Moorestown, New Jersey.

Latoya Clay

Knowles Senior Fellow
Sixth-year Math Teacher
Hillside High School
Durham, North Carolina

Despite National Board Certification being highly valued in North Carolina and by her district, 2012 Knowles Teaching Fellow Latoya Clay was dismayed when she realized that no teachers from her school had achieved National Board Certification in recent years. Facing a lack of funding and other structures that support preparing certification materials, several Hillside teachers tried unsuccessfully to achieve certification. Latoya and several colleagues were awarded a Seed Grant from Knowles to form a National Board support group. The Seed Grant funded release days that freed the five teachers in the group from their classroom duties, granting them time to write for their National Board submission, analyze each other’s submissions and provide feedback, and seek support from a National Board certified coach. The grant also funded a weekend retreat that allowed participants to put the finishing touches on their submissions, in ways that none had been able to accomplish on their own in previous years. Each support group member submitted all or a portion of their certification portfolio during the 2017–2018 academic year, something that hadn’t been done since district funding for supporting certification ended. The long-term goal of this group is to establish support for all teachers wishing to build the professional culture of the school through pursuit of National Board certification.

Beverly Stuckwisch

Knowles Senior Fellow
Sixth-year Chemistry Teacher
Licking Valley High School
Newark, Ohio

Beverly Stuckwisch, a 2012 Knowles Teaching Fellow, is committed to acting as an advocate for her students. With advocacy in mind, she and a colleague helped students establish the first gay-straight alliance (GSA) at their school in 2016. At the outset, the GSA operated largely as a social group. In this capacity, they met little resistance. They began to encounter resistance when GSA members expanded their efforts to include activism. In response to complaints from parents and teachers, and a violation of a rarely enforced rule, the principal advised Beverly and her colleague that the compilation pride flag created by GSA members would have to be removed from where it hung in the hallway of the school. Unable to find a way to discuss the issue with her principal, Beverly avoided him for months. At a Knowles meeting, Beverly shared her fear of addressing conflict. Other Fellows who felt the same way decided to read and discuss Difficult Conversations as a group (Stone, et al., 2010). Using what she learned from the book, and discussed with other Knowles Fellows, Beverly scheduled a meeting with the principal that included stakeholders such as the superintendent, guidance counselors, school staff, GSA members and one parent. To ensure everyone was on the same page, she shared a document outlining the purpose of the conversation with all participants. The conversation proved to be extremely productive and informative for all in attendance. Leaving the conversation, the GSA chose to focus on programming designed to build an inclusive community for all students. Building on these efforts, Beverly lead a professional learning community focused on examining school culture and students’ experiences with harassment and bullying during the 2017–2018 academic year. PLC participants—14 staff members and four students—spent time analyzing data from interviews, surveys and focus groups they administered. The PLC also brainstormed ways to encourage school community members to think deeply about empathy and equity. As an example, PLC participants helped National Honor Society students combat bullying by preparing morning announcements to be shared during National Bullying Prevention Month; PLC members also worked with another student group to create a bulletin board displaying those announcements. The efforts of Beverly and her colleague led to the identification of other school-based allies for LGBTQ students—two other teachers who volunteered to advise the GSA after the departure of its founding advisers.

Heidi Park & Ian Caldwell

Knowles Senior Fellow (Heidi)
Sixth-year Physics and Chemistry Teacher
Jones College Prep High School
Chicago, Illinois

Knowles Senior Fellow (Ian)
Sixth-year Math Teacher
Arete Preparatory Academy
Gilbert, Arizona

In July 2017, 2012 Knowles Teaching Fellows Heidi Park and Ian Caldwell attended Critical Friends Group New Coaches’ Training facilitated by the National School Reform Faculty along with 12 other Teaching Fellows (funded by Knowles professional development grants). While they found the training inspiring and useful, they recognized that implementing the kind of collaborative leadership required of the Critical Friends Group model would require ongoing support not provided by the training. Funded by a Knowles Seed Grant, the group met virtually throughout the 2017–2018 academic year, where they practiced what they learned and supported one another as they took collaborative leadership into their school settings. During the year, three of the group participants presented work, four facilitated meetings, and 11 acted as critical friends virtually. Eight group members saw benefits in existing groups, two started new groups, and seven of them used Critical Friends Group strategies with students in their classrooms. One person used Critical Friends Group work to facilitate professional development at their school; and another developed a plan with three colleagues to run a pilot Critical Friends Group, provide Critical Friends Group training over the summer, and roll out Critical Friends Group work to their school at large during the 2018–2019 academic year. The project culminates with the group returning to meet again in the summer of 2018, where they will plan how to share what they’ve learned with the larger Knowles community.

2018 Teaching Fellows

2018 Cohort of Knowles Teaching Fellows

The 2018 Cohort of Knowles Teaching Fellows is composed of 34 exceptional early-career, high school mathematics and science teachers. Their Fellowships began on June 1, 2018 and will continue through the summer of 2023. Read more about our newest Fellows.

Kira Blonsky

Physics Teacher

The CUBE School
Denver, Colorado

Taught six-week introductory physics course to underrepresented undergraduate students interested in the medical sciences at the University of Washington

Connor Bohlken

Math Teacher

Denver School of Science and Technology, Stapleton Campus
Denver, Colorado

Taught math and computer science to seventh-grade students through a summer program operated by Breakthrough Kent Denver, a nonprofit organization

Camille Erskine

Biology Teacher

Carlmont High School
Belmont, California

Spent one summer teaching English in Poland with Learning Enterprises, a student-run nonprofit organization

Gail Gallaher

Biology Teacher

City Arts & Tech High School
San Francisco, California

Helped found the Sontag Center for Collaborative Creativity at the Claremont Colleges

Emily Gilden

Math Teacher

San Lorenzo High School
San Lorenzo, California

Taught leadership to teens at YMCA Camp Marston

Enya Granados

Life Science Teacher

Russell County High School
Seale, Alabama

Established Berg Latinx Unidos—an organization that supports, celebrates, and educates others on Latinx culture—the first Latinx organization at Heidelberg University

Samantha Greenidge

Math Teacher

Cumberland County Technical
Education Center
Vineland, New Jersey

Raised more than $60,000 for ALS research and patient care over the last 10 years as a supporter of the ALS Association

Mame Diarra Gueye

Math Teacher

Hillsdale High School
San Mateo, California

Worked as an entrepreneur and fashion designer in Senegal, where she launched a fashion startup, and empowered local artisan communities

Ian Hagmann

Physics and Chemistry Teacher

San Lorenzo High School
San Lorenzo, California

Worked as the mineral separation lab manager at Stanford University

Katie Johnson

Environmental Science Teacher

Los Gatos High School
Los Gatos, California

Led a team of interns engaged in long-term biodiversity monitoring projects as a lab manager for the Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans at the University of California, Santa Barbara

Micaela Kaye

Math Teacher

Fremont High School
Sunnyvale, California

Worked as a teacher’s assistant at a special education school in Valparaiso, Chile

Jacque Kutvirt

Earth Science Teacher

Casco Bay High School
Portland, Maine

Managed youth experiential education programs in Paraguay and Mexico with Amigos de Las Americas

Dominic Lucido

Biology Teacher

Downtown Magnets High School
Los Angeles, California

Planned and facilitated more than 30 Socratic-style seminars while working as a teaching fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles

Caitlyn Macrae

Chemistry Teacher

Menlo-Atherton High School
Menlo Park, California

Worked as a teaching assistant for the Carnegie Mellon Institute of Talented Elementary and Secondary Students for two years

Marguerite McKean

Physics Teacher

West Salem High School
Salem, Oregon

Taught English as a foreign language to high school students in China, and math and science to middle school students in Indonesia

Linsey McMullen

Biology Teacher

DePaul Cristo Rey High School
Cincinnati, Ohio

Conducted an independent research project at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, where she explored the habitat preferences of red-backed salamanders

Christopher Monschauer

Math Teacher

Hope High School
Providence, Rhode Island

Interned in the Rhode Island Department of Education in the Office of Educator Excellence

Katie Moshofsky

Biology Teacher

Summit Tamalpais Public School
San Pablo, California

Interned as a carnivore keeper at the Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon, and as a researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Marcos Muñoz

Math Teacher

Jefferson High School
El Paso, Texas

Spent a semester in Hungary as part of the first cohort of the Budapest Semester in Mathematics Program

Joonsung Oh

Math Teacher

South San Francisco High School
South San Francisco, California

Learned about the educational policies and practices in China and how they compare to those in the United States while studying abroad in Xi’an, China

Amy Pochodylo

Chemistry Teacher

Buckeye Valley High School
Delaware, Ohio

Spent one summer working as a chemical synthesis intern at Lubrizol Corporation

Rohan Prakash

Math Teacher

Homestead High School
Cupertino, California

Taught math to students in grades seven through nine at the Lycée Français International Anvers, a French international school in Antwerp, Belgium

George Qiao

Chemistry Teacher

Codman Academy
Boston, Massachusetts

Helped operate a free, roaming pharmacy and cardiovascular clinic across Yunnan, China

Thomas Robbins

Chemistry Teacher

DSST Stapleton High School
Denver, Colorado

Spent one year working as a research assistant at Dartmouth College, where he helped develop a fluorescent cyanide sensor

Katherine Rogers

Chemistry Teacher

Mountain View High School
Mountain View, California

Interned at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, where she helped redesign curriculum for outdoor science, physics, chemistry, and biology classes

Mary Sargious

Biology and Chemistry Teacher

Fremont High School
Sunnyvale, California

Found Project ACE (Anteaters for College Excellence)—a project that pairs student-mentors with foster and first-generation teens from the Samueli Academy, a charter high school in Santa Ana for disadvantaged youths—at the University of California, Irvine

Dana Schrauben

Math Teacher

Cass Technical High School
Detroit, Michigan

Spent one summer working at Racquet-UP, a nonprofit organization that allows students to play squash and receive extra support in school, both during the school year and over the summer

Julia Smith

Math Teacher

Phillip & Sala Burton Academic
High School
San Francisco, California

Worked as a math department mentor for two courses at Pomona College—Intro to Statistics and Number Theory and Cryptography

Satoshi Suga

Physics and Engineering Teacher

McClymonds High School
Oakland, California

Designed escape room experiences as owner/Chief Technology Officer of Escape Game SD

Lawrence Teng

Math Teacher

Metwest High School
Oakland, California

Traveled to Beijing, China to conduct cross-cultural psychology research with students at Beijing Normal University

Jessica Thomulka

Chemistry Teacher

Woodbury Junior-Senior High School
Woodbury, New Jersey

Interned for a private military contractor, where she worked on formulating a ballistic resistant polymer used to make bullet-proof glass for military vehicles

Alison Valentine

Chemistry Teacher

Santa Catalina School
Monterey, California

Worked as a teaching assistant for the Leland Scholars Program and the Math and Science for Minority Students Program at Phillips Academy

Brandon VanBibber

Biology Teacher

University High School
Tolleson, Arizona

Worked on the professional development team at Northern Arizona University, where he supported the PLANETS project by helping to create online professional development opportunities for informal educators to increase teacher effectiveness and confidence when teaching planetary science

Monique Rivera Velez

Biology Teacher

International High School at Langley Park
Bladensburg, Maryland

Worked as an academic coach at the University of Maryland – Baltimore County, where she helped student athletes with homework, projects and study skills

Donor Acknowledgment

Thank You to All of Our 2017–2018 Donors

Harry Knowles & Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams

Our co-founder Mr. C. Harry Knowles and Knowles Trustee Dr. Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams have been steadfast supporters of our work for many years. During fiscal year 23018, Mr. Knowles and Dr. Rorke-Adams continued their long term support of the Knowles Teacher Initiative with a $3 million donation to augment earnings from our assets. Their gift will allow us to strengthen our efforts to improve mathematics and science teaching in the United States, and ultimately student learning.

In November 2017, Knowles launched its second annual giving campaign. All contributions were used to establish the Knowles Academy Teacher Scholarship Fund. We are truly grateful for the generosity of all donors who gave during fiscal year 2018.

Adrian Cheng

Amy Gheysens

Anna Monteiro

Ashley Carlino

Ayanna Perry

Bei Saville

Ben Graves

Bernice O’Brien

Bradford Hill

Cathy Cohn

Celeste Szewczyk

Charley Sabatier

Cheryl Brown

Chris Lipski

Christine Kamin

Christopher Anderson

Daniel Edelson

Dina Portnoy

Ebony Freeman

Ed Viner

Emily Kennedy

Felicia Schwenk

George Wohlreich

Harry Knowles and Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams

Heather Buskirk

Heather Hotchkiss

Helen Snodgrass

Ian Caldwell

Janet Carlson

Janet Knowles

Jeff Rozelle

Jennifer Mossgrove

Jill Marsteller

Jim Clark

Joe Cossette

Josh Thurbee

Joyce Lin

Judy Austermiller and Warren Betty

Karen Sass

Kate Elizabeth

Kate Heider

Katey Shirey

Kevin Henson

Kim Masloski

Kimberly Conner

Kirstin Milks

Laura Darnall

Lawrence Tint

Linda Abrams

Lynne Schill

Marcia Szewczyk

Margaret Edmunds

Mark Olson

Mary Chin

Mason Rocca

Meghan Scattaregia

Melanie Villanueva

Melissa Kagle

Michael C. Wittmann

Michele Cheyne

Nancy Pienta

Nicole Dowd

Nicole Gillespie

Patty Morehouse

Paul Kuerbis

Rebecca Bradshaw

Richard and Jodie Galosy

Robert F. Morris, Jr.

Roseanne Rostock

Sarah Hawthorne

Sarah Ingraham

Sarah Spector

Scott Murphy

Sharon J.

Stephanie Holm

Susan Pienta

Tiffany Rozelle

William Gillespie

William Rulon-Miller

Board of Trustees

Knowles Board of Trustees: Fiscal Year 2018

Heather Buskirk

Math and Physics Teacher, The Learning Project, Johnstown High School; Instructional Coach, Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties Pathways in Technology Early College High School; Knowles Senior Fellow

Nicole M. Gillespie

CEO, Knowles Teacher Initiative

C. Harry Knowles

Retired, founder and former President, Metrologic Instruments; Founder and Chairman, Knowles Teacher Initiative Board of Trustees

Janet H. Knowles

Retired, former Vice President of Administration and Treasurer, Metrologic Instruments; Founder and Secretary, Knowles Teacher Initiative Board of Trustees

Paul Kuerbis

Professor Emeritus of Education, Colorado College

Robert F. Morris Jr.

Retired, former Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager, UBS Financial Services

Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams

Retired, former Senior Pathologist, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

William Rulon-Miller

Retired, former Director of Investment Banking, Janney Montgomery Scott; Treasurer, Knowles Teacher Initiative Board of Trustees

Bei Saville

Chief Investment Officer for Endowments and Foundations, Northern Trust

Lawrence Tint

Senior Managing Director, Cantor Comparative Advantage

Edward D. Viner 

Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Senior Advisor to the Dean, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Michael C. Wittmann

Professor of Physics and Education, University of Maine

George M. Wohlreich

President and Chief Executive Officer of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry (Adjunct) at the Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania Schools of Medicine

The Future of Knowles
Looking Ahead 

The Knowles Teacher Initiative believes that teachers can and should be the primary agents of educational improvement. While remaining fully committed to maintaining the high level of support provided to our Teaching and Senior Fellows, we will seek to support greater numbers of teachers in their efforts to improve education through the Knowles Academy. We look forward to the continued inclusion of teachers who enroll in Academy courses in the larger Knowles community, granting them access to a network of more than 300 mathematics and science teachers nationwide. We also look forward to offering a wider variety of Academy courses in the future; with each of those courses providing opportunities for Knowles Senior Fellows to further refine their leadership skills. Additionally, the leadership efforts devised and implemented by Knowles Senior Fellows, supported by Seed Grants from Knowles, will continue to provide an avenue for us to help transform mathematics and science education in this country. For more information, please visit
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Three-minute observation generally involve teachers making short, frequent observations of one another’s classrooms and meeting to share their findings.